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Love to become a RUNNER. Some buddies afraid of running but I will let them know How Can they Start step by step.. Here are some steps for it. Step 1: check you out by yourself because. If you’re  new to start, do not skip it. Check your blood pressure, your heart health etc.. Step 2: Do Not Forget Time-To-Time Eating. If you are giving proper time for running and do not taking nutrition time to time then  it's not good for your health because, your body needs to be properly filled. Running  by empty stomach  can make you harm in many ways. Step 3: Start With The Minimum Range.. RUNNING with big distance while starting is a big mistake which is done by us so do not run too long. You can make is taking on too much, early. do not give stress yourself on your first running day. Step 4: Recover “Whattttttttttttttttttt? I only jogged for 5 minutes. I don’t need a day off!” You might be right, or we can say that you might end up getting injured...
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5 Muscle-Strengthening Exercises for the SIJ 5 Muscle-Strengthening Exercises for the SIJ Balance, as always, is key. The SIJ is a finicky little bugger; it needs to move, but just a little. To hit that Goldilocks zone you need to have strong glutes and hams, good core stability and muscle flexibility, plus hip mobility. In other words, you’ve gotta have it all! The following exercises are recommended to keep the SIJ stable and in good working condition: 1.  Bear Crawls.   Reciprocal or alternating movements (like the bear crawl) guarantee that both sides of the body put in the same effort. 2.  Glute Bridge with March .  If you sit all day, your whole body will love this hip-stabilizing exercise. 3. The Plank .  On your elbows or with straight arms, do  all the planks  to strengthen your entire core. 4.  Dead Bug .  This exercise works on coordination, strengthens the core and corrects muscle imbalance. ...
Workouts to build Your Legs Days more attractive.. Dumbbell step-ups You should be kept straight during this exercise. Knee will be in same direction as foot throughout. Single-leg dumbbell step-up One leg at a time will be Apart from building  strength , it also helps you gain hip symmetry. Get a dumbbell in each hand and place one foot up right on the bench like it. Smith machine squats Squats are perfect to build them super awesome, Smith machine squats is best. This will remind you about your legs day forever here.. trust me, and do not forget to adjust the weight according to you.. Landmine Sumo Squat It will hurt sometime in back if you love this then it will gives you a lot of strength without stressing on your  lower back  and knees. Barbell Hip Thrust This is also a good one and you can check it out by yourself.. Bulgarian Split Squat Bulgarian Split squat can improve strength of your legs, works on...
Listen. Can you hear that thundering over the horizon? That’s the stampede of the last-minute beach body latecomers feverishly racing to the gym to try and perform miracles never seen by mortal eyes, in order to completely overhaul their physique in a matter of weeks. Well, we hate to be the bearers of bad news, but it’s better you heard it directly. There is no reliable method for going from 0-60 and achieving a heroic physique overnight. Everyone can get the body of their dreams – but it’ll take some time and commitment – not just a desperate fortnight spent doing crunches. Here are a few.. You can gain weight fast (but it’s sometimes not muscle) One of the most important distinctions that every new lifter in the gym needs to cotton on to sooner or later is that weight gain isn’t the same thing as muscle gain. It’s for that reason that an over-the-top “bulk” cycle is especially risky for anyone desperate to pack on slabs of muscle. You’ll gain plenty of weight ...

Tips To Build Your Ultimate Forearms!

If you're like most avid weight trainers, you've never given much thought to your forearms because you've been too busy focusing on big guns, thick pecs, cobra lats, or thunder thighs. That's cool. I get it. Just don't forget about your forearms. Thin, spindly forearms look weak and wimpy, whereas powerful, rugged forearms are impressive—and they're almost always on display. Big forearms are even more impressive if you've also built some decent biceps and triceps. What you don't want is for those big guns to clash with pea-shoot forearms that remind people more of Jerry Seinfeld than Jerry Ross. Maybe you tried doing wrist curls for a while, saw meager results, and chalked it up to bad genetics. Genetics always play a role in the development of any muscle group, but that doesn't mean you can't improve and make gains. Chances are you've just been going about it the wrong way. Here's the right way. Tip 1: Leave The Straps In You...


Eating pancakes remains a fond childhood memory for many of us. Perhaps you went to grandma’s house and she spoiled you with some nice white fluffy cakes topped with butter and drizzled with some syrup, or maybe it was a pancake feed at a small-town celebration that conjured up those distant memories. However, now that adulthood is set in, I bet you realize that all that processed white flour and sugar isn’t the best thing for your fitness health, your blood sugar, or your weight loss goals. But no worries, there are many ways to enjoy some fluffy pancakes and still get some good nutrition to help build muscles. The problem with fluffy white pancakes is that the processed white flour tends to make your blood sugar go up, and then fall down again fast. This leads the feeling of hunger resurfacing too soon, and may even lead to low blood sugar and midmorning drowsiness. In order to avoid those blood sugar highs and lows, you should enjoy those pancakes as part of a balanced b...