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Tips To Build Your Ultimate Forearms!

If you're like most avid weight trainers, you've never given much thought to your forearms because you've been too busy focusing on big guns, thick pecs, cobra lats, or thunder thighs. That's cool. I get it. Just don't forget about your forearms. Thin, spindly forearms look weak and wimpy, whereas powerful, rugged forearms are impressive—and they're almost always on display. Big forearms are even more impressive if you've also built some decent biceps and triceps. What you don't want is for those big guns to clash with pea-shoot forearms that remind people more of Jerry Seinfeld than Jerry Ross. Maybe you tried doing wrist curls for a while, saw meager results, and chalked it up to bad genetics. Genetics always play a role in the development of any muscle group, but that doesn't mean you can't improve and make gains. Chances are you've just been going about it the wrong way. Here's the right way. Tip 1: Leave The Straps In You
Listen. Can you hear that thundering over the horizon? That’s the stampede of the last-minute beach body latecomers feverishly racing to the gym to try and perform miracles never seen by mortal eyes, in order to completely overhaul their physique in a matter of weeks. Well, we hate to be the bearers of bad news, but it’s better you heard it directly. There is no reliable method for going from 0-60 and achieving a heroic physique overnight. Everyone can get the body of their dreams – but it’ll take some time and commitment – not just a desperate fortnight spent doing crunches. Here are a few.. You can gain weight fast (but it’s sometimes not muscle) One of the most important distinctions that every new lifter in the gym needs to cotton on to sooner or later is that weight gain isn’t the same thing as muscle gain. It’s for that reason that an over-the-top “bulk” cycle is especially risky for anyone desperate to pack on slabs of muscle. You’ll gain plenty of weight